
Happy Birthday DreamHost!

Just a quick note to wish a very happy birthday to our Web Host DreamHost which turns sweet 16… This KinderBard website is the second one I made hosted by DreamHost, and I haven’t used anyone else for two subsequent websites people have asked me to set up for them, not only because of some incredible deals I’ve been able to take advantage of, but because their customer service is totally amazing… I’m not the most tech-savvy guy around, but any embarrassingly newbie question I have has always been promptly and clearly answered by their team… Thank you for your amazing service, DreamHost, and here’s to another sixteen years!

Getting It All Together

We are in the process of consolidating all of our music and our artwork to develop an interactive app containing songs for children “sung by” characters from Shakespeare.  Although the main content consists of beautiful new nursery rhymes that children will love, the killer feature is that when you touch a character on the screen, you will hear an actual quotation spoken by that character in Shakespeare’s play.  The songs also address social issues that young children encounter in their daily lives.  Finally, the app will contain a record-yourself karaoke feature and a fun learning area where your child can find out more about each character and reinforce that knowledge through simple and engaging activities.

Happy Birthday William!

Happy 448th birthday, Shakespeare.  You may be gone, but your words still live.

So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,

So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

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